Mastering Bows in Elden Ring: A Region-Locked Challenge

Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action RPG, has captivated players with its expansive world and challenging gameplay. One player, however, decided to embark on a unique journey—mastering the art of bows in each major region. In this region-locked challenge, the player explored six major areas, meticulously searching for the most powerful bow weapons and builds. Join us on this journey through Lim Grave, Leia, Kalid, Volcano Manor, Alus Plateau, and the Royal Capital.

Lim Grave – The Samurai’s Longbow:

The player, choosing the samurai class for its Longbow, faced early challenges against the Giant Crab. After surviving and encountering Bloodman, the journey began. Merchants became invaluable allies, offering an infinite supply of arrows. Fort Hight became the first stop for cookbook number six, providing bleeding arrows. The combination of short and long bows proved devastating, allowing the player to take down foes with ease.

Introducing War Thunder:

Amidst the Elden Ring journey, a brief interlude discusses War Thunder—a game offering an immersive experience with over 2,000 vehicles and exceptional graphics. The player highlights the game’s customization and encourages trying it for free on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.

Lim Grave Bosses Conquered:

The samurai’s bow prowess was put to the test against Ghost Elmer and Margit. Utilizing various arrows, including poison and bleed, the player systematically chipped away at Margit’s health. The battle ended in victory, setting the stage for the exploration of Storm Veil.

Leia and Kalid – Expanding the Arsenal:

Moving into Leia, the player faced Loretta with a wooden bow, showcasing impressive dodging skills. The acquisition of cookbook number seven allowed the creation of cold arrows. The thrusting Talisman and green dog Talisman became essential tools. In Kalid, the player farmed the Golem’s great bow and faced challenges against Red Wolf and Rala. The black key bolts and serpent bow added diversity to the bow arsenal.

Red Wolf and Rala Triumph:

The encounter with Red Wolf proved successful, showcasing the player’s adaptability. Rala, however, posed a greater challenge. After an initial setback, the player regrouped, defeating Ron to acquire unique arrows. Armed with the lion’s great bow, the rematch with Rala was victorious, marking the conquest of combined areas.

Volcano Manor, Alus Plateau, and the Royal Capital:

Entering the upper parts of the map, the player collected golden seeds and sacred tears. The prophet’s cryptic message hinted at the upcoming challenges. The discovery of the best Merchant in Volcano Manor offered explosive great bolts for additional firepower. Godkin Noble and the Demium Queen fell before the player, adding valuable items to the inventory.

Godfrey and the Homeless Man:

The Royal Capital presented challenges against Godfrey and a formidable homeless opponent. The player used strategy and summons to overcome these foes, demonstrating the adaptability of bow gameplay. With a humorous mention of the balloons tower defense shooter, the player expressed a preference for strength-based gameplay.


The region-locked bow challenge in Elden Ring showcased the player’s perseverance and creativity in mastering bow weapons. From Lim Grave to the Royal Capital, each area presented unique challenges and rewards. The player’s journey serves as an inspiration for others to explore different playstyles in this vast and captivating game. Whether bows are embraced as a primary weapon or used as a sidearm, Elden Ring continues to offer diverse experiences for players to enjoy.

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