Author: Addison Gonzales

Elden Ring: The Intelligence Quality Build

In the ever-expanding world of Elden Ring, where danger lurks around every corner and mystery beckons from the shadows, mastering your character build is crucial for survival. Today, we delve into the realm of intelligence quality builds, where magic reigns supreme and strategic prowess is your greatest weapon.

Introduction to the Build

As we embark on our journey through the Lands Between, it’s essential to have a reliable foundation for our character building. The Intelligence Quality Build, emphasizes the potent combination of intelligence-based magic and quality melee weaponry. With a focus on magic scaling weapons and versatile spells, this build offers a dynamic playstyle suitable for both PvE encounters and PvP invasions.

The Arsenal: Weapons and Spells

At the heart of the Intelligence Quality Build lies a diverse arsenal of weapons and spells tailored to wreak havoc upon foes. Highlights several key choices that define this build’s effectiveness:

  1. Death’s Poker: A versatile weapon with ghost flame ignition, allowing for devastating area-of-effect damage or frost buildup to control enemy movements.
  2. Wing of Aelle: A curved sword boasting exceptional range and a powerful heavy attack, complementing the build’s melee capabilities.
  3. Death Ritual Spear: Renowned for its long-range capabilities and the ability to punish opponents with relentless spear thrusts.
  4. Moon Veil: A formidable weapon capable of nullifying healing attempts and delivering punishing blows from a distance.

In addition to these formidable weapons, the build utilizes a selection of spells and talismans to further enhance its effectiveness. The inclusion of HP talismans and defensive buffs such as the Ritual Shield and Chart of Alexander underscores the build’s emphasis on survivability and adaptability in combat.

The Art of Invasion

Armed with a formidable arsenal and unwavering determination, our protagonist ventures into the tumultuous world of PvP invasions. In a series of exhilarating encounters, Chase the Bro demonstrates the build’s versatility and potency against a variety of opponents.

From dueling wizards to relentless melee combatants, the Intelligence Quality Build proves its mettle time and time again. The seamless integration of magic and melee combat allows our protagonist to adapt to any situation, turning the tide of battle with precision strikes and devastating spell combos.

Strategies and Tactics

Throughout the invasions, Chase the Bro showcases a plethora of strategies and tactics employed to outmaneuver and outwit opponents. From exploiting environmental hazards to capitalizing on the build’s range advantage, every encounter is a testament to the player’s skill and ingenuity.

Whether it’s unleashing a barrage of magic projectiles or baiting opponents into deadly traps, the Intelligence Quality Build offers a wealth of strategic options for players to explore. By mastering the intricacies of spellcasting and weapon combat, our protagonist emerges victorious time and time again, leaving a trail of defeated foes in their wake.


In the ever-evolving world of Elden Ring, the Intelligence Quality Build stands as a shining example of versatility and adaptability in combat. With its potent combination of magic and melee prowess, this build offers players a dynamic and rewarding playstyle that excels in both PvE and PvP scenarios.

As we bid farewell to Chase the Bro and his epic adventures, we’re reminded of the endless possibilities that await those brave enough to embrace the magic of Elden Ring. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the fray, the Intelligence Quality Build offers a thrilling journey through the Lands Between, where every battle is a test of skill and determination.

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Navigating Early Game Spending in Night Crows: A Prudent Player’s Guide

Greetings, fellow adventurers, and welcome to the realm of Night Crows, where strategic spending can mean the difference between victory and defeat. As you embark on your journey, whether as a free player or a budding spender, understanding how to allocate your resources wisely is essential. Join me as we navigate the labyrinth of in-game purchases and uncover the best ways to optimize your early-game spending.

First and foremost, let us address the allure of summoning packs and their questionable value. While the developers may tout these as enticing bonuses, it’s crucial to recognize their true nature: a form of gambling with uncertain returns. With no pity system to safeguard your investments, and the looming specter of duplicate summons rendering them redundant, approach these packs with caution. Instead, focus on packages that offer tangible benefits beyond the gamble, such as dungeon recharges, experience boosts, and additional resources.

One such example of exceptional value is the monthly Black Wing Supply pack, priced at $20. Offering a plethora of benefits, including dungeon recharges, experience and stat bonuses, diamonds, and summons, it stands as a beacon of efficiency amidst a sea of uncertainty. Furthermore, its flexibility allows you to utilize the dungeon recharges at your leisure, ensuring maximum value for your investment.

For free players and small spenders, harnessing the power of crafting and the market is paramount. Investing in promotional packs that offer substantial amounts of gold can provide the necessary capital to expedite your progress through the main questline. Additionally, prioritize acquiring claw and brooch enhancements, as they confer significant stat boosts that can propel you ahead of your peers.

When it comes to diamonds, exercise prudence and foresight in your spending. Utilize them for crafting materials, storage expansions, and strategic purchases from the market. Beware of bulk discounts on the exchange, as they often devalue items and undercut potential profits. Instead, list your items in smaller quantities at competitive prices to maximize your returns.

Furthermore, leverage clan shops to acquire essential skills at discounted rates, saving both time and gold in the process. By capitalizing on daily gains of gold and clan coins, you can steadily accumulate the resources needed to further your progression without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, approach early-game spending in Night Crows with a discerning eye and a strategic mindset. Seek out packages and deals that offer tangible benefits beyond mere chance, and prioritize investments that enhance your gameplay experience. With careful planning and prudent decision-making, you can navigate the intricacies of in-game economics and emerge victorious in your quest for glory.

As we embark on this journey together, may your coffers be full, your investments fruitful, and your adventures legendary. Until next time, fellow adventurers, may the shadows of Night Crows guide you towards prosperity and triumph. Buying cheapest Night Crows Diamonds from mmoexp shop right now, get 5% off code and best service.

Skull and Bones: Embrace the Pirate’s Life in the Indian Ocean

Welcome to the Indian Ocean, where the second golden age of piracy beckons daring souls to stake their claim on the high seas. Skull and Bones invites players to embark on a gritty and immersive pirate action RPG adventure, where rags-to-riches fantasies come to life amidst a vast open world teeming with opportunities for plunder and infamy.

In this official gameplay overview trailer, players are introduced to the core elements that define the Skull and Bones experience: from player progression to naval combat and the thrilling pursuit of dominance as the most fearsome Kingpin of the highest seas.

The journey begins with a dramatic shipwreck, where players must choose their captain and set sail on a new life of piracy. Guided by the experienced first mate, Asna, players navigate the lawless seas, seeking riches and infamy. Infamy serves as the central pillar of player progression, unlocking new opportunities and challenges as players ascend the ranks of the pirate world.

As players explore the pirate den of St. Anne, they encounter vendors offering essential services, from ship customization to upgrading and crafting new vessels. Ship customization is a cornerstone of the Skull and Bones experience, with each ship offering unique perks and customization options to suit different playstyles. From long-range sniping to close-quarters combat, players can tailor their ships to their preferred tactics, ensuring they are prepared for the challenges ahead.

Naval combat takes center stage as players engage in fierce battles across the Indian Ocean. Whether facing off against enemy players or hostile faction ships, players must utilize strategic planning and cunning tactics to emerge victorious. Contracts can be pursued solo or in co-op, allowing players to rally nearby pirates for assistance when facing overwhelming odds.

Exploration is rewarded with dynamic events and hidden treasures scattered throughout the open world. From salvaging wrecks for resources to encountering legendary tales of ghastly ghosts and terrors from the deep, the seas are ripe with opportunity for those brave enough to seek it.

As players rise in infamy, they gain access to the elite echelons of piracy, working alongside notorious kingpins to plunder dangerous forts and faction settlements. Tier six of the buccaneer infamy rank unlocks the helm, where players establish their own secret smuggling ring, refining illegal goods for sale on the black market.

But the journey doesn’t end there. Skull and Bones promises an ever-evolving world, with robust endgame content, free seasonal updates, and additional PvP activities to keep players engaged long after they’ve claimed their place among pirate legends.

So, prepare to set sail on the perilous waters of the Indian Ocean, where fortune favors the fearless and infamy awaits those bold enough to embrace the pirate’s life in Skull and Bones. MMOexp provides the best trading place for all you pirates where you can buy Skull and Bones Items and Skull and Bones Silver safely, come on my friend.

Last Epoch Farming Guide: Maximizing Shrines, Chests, and Experimental Items

Welcome, adventurers, to a guide that will revolutionize your farming experience in Last Epoch. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the most efficient method to farm shrines, chests, and experimental items, ensuring that you optimize your time and resources in the game. Join me, as we uncover the secrets of farming in the necropolis streets, utilizing a strategy that promises bountiful rewards.

Unlocking the Potential of Necropolis Streets:

The key to our farming strategy lies within the Necropolis Streets map, which can be found across various timelines such as Spirits of Fire and Fall of the Outcast. Aim for a high corruption level to enhance item rarity and quality. By stacking modifiers that boost item rarity without increasing monster difficulty, you set the stage for Last Epoch gold lucrative farming runs.

Juicing Up the Map:

To maximize your gains, it’s crucial to “juice up” the Necropolis Streets map with various corruption modifiers. These modifiers, combined with high corruption levels, significantly increase the likelihood of encountering valuable loot. Whether it’s increasing item rarity, adding bonus loot drops, or enhancing item quality, every modifier contributes to a more fruitful farming session.

Executing the Strategy:

Once you’ve prepared the map with the desired corruption modifiers, it’s time to execute the farming strategy. Enter the Necropolis Streets map and focus on locating the two entrances, each of which spawns two shrine spots. Utilize a simple trick by positioning the map’s entrance over the start button, enabling quick and seamless entry into the map.

Exploring the Shrine Spawns:

The uniqueness of the Necropolis Streets map lies in its consistent shrine spawns, offering players a chance to encounter various valuable rewards. Shrines can yield random buffs, chests containing precious loot, or experimental items that push the boundaries of itemization. By exploring the shrine spawns, players can uncover a treasure trove of rewards with each farming run.

Optimizing Efficiency:

To optimize efficiency, prioritize checking the shrine spawns upon entering the map. By quickly assessing the potential rewards, players can decide whether to continue exploring or reset the map for another run. Keep an eye out for chests and experimental items, which often indicate valuable loot worth obtaining.

Streamlining the Process:

Streamlining the farming process is essential for maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime. Utilize shortcuts such as right-clicking to enter the map or positioning the map’s entrance over the start button for seamless entry. Additionally, don’t fret over deaths, as they have no consequence in this farming strategy.

Adapting to Variability:

While the Necropolis Streets map offers consistent shrine spawns, the rewards may vary with each run. Some runs may yield multiple chests and experimental items, while others offer fewer rewards. Adaptability is key to success, as players must adjust their expectations based on the outcomes of each farming run.


In conclusion, mastering the art of farming in Last Epoch requires strategic planning, efficient execution, and adaptability. By harnessing the potential of the Necropolis Streets map and optimizing corruption modifiers, players can embark on farming runs that yield an abundance of shrines, chests, and experimental items.

Either way, Last Epoch is a great game, MMOexp provides you with a safe Last Epoch gold buy. Follow us to get more information and offers.

Myth of Empires: A Guide to Horse Taming and Beyond

Welcome back to another adventure in the world of Myth of Empires! Today, we’re diving into the intricacies of horse taming, quest completion, and setting up your very own rabbit and fox habitats. So, saddle up and let’s embark on this journey together!

Horse Taming: A Guide

In Myth of Empires, taming a horse is an essential skill for traversing vast landscapes efficiently. However, it’s not as simple as stumbling upon a horse and hopping on its back. Our journey begins with gathering the necessary tools and materials.

To catch a horse, you’ll need the following items:

  1. Tamed horse: Acquire this skill from your team and recruit menu.
  2. Basic track: Another essential skill to track down elusive horses.
  3. Raising: Prepare yourself to raise and tame the horse successfully.

Next, craft the required equipment:

  1. Crude hay: Crafted from hay, a crucial component to attract and distract horses.
  2. Crude bridle: The tool you’ll use to break and tame the horse.
  3. Crude saddle and armor: Essential for riding and protecting your newfound companion.

Now, let’s delve into the process:

  1. Locating a Horse: Explore the surroundings and keep an eye out for horses. They might be elusive, but with persistence, you’ll find one.
  2. Luring the Horse: Use crude hay to attract the horse’s attention. Throw it in front of the horse and wait for it to approach and consume the food.
  3. Approaching the Horse: Once the horse is distracted, cautiously approach it from behind while crouching to avoid spooking it.
  4. Taming the Horse: With the crude bridle in hand, get close enough to the horse and press the appropriate keys to initiate the taming process.
  5. Breaking and Riding: Remain patient as you attempt to break the horse by repeatedly pressing the required keys until successful.
  6. Equipping the Horse: After successfully taming the horse, equip it with the crude saddle and armor to ensure its safety and readiness for adventures.

Congratulations! You’ve now successfully tamed your very own horse in Myth of Empires. But the journey doesn’t end here.

Questing and Advancement

As you explore the world, engaging in various quests and tasks is essential for progression. Whether it’s hunting animals, gathering resources, or unlocking crafting recipes, each quest contributes to your character’s development.

In your quest for advancement, be sure to:

• Complete bronze axe quests and other tasks to enhance your skills and capabilities.
• Hunt animals and gather bones for essential resources.
• Unlock crafting recipes to expand your crafting repertoire.
• Construct a comfortable bed for resting and regenerating.

Remember, every quest completed brings you closer to mastering the diverse aspects of Myth of Empires.

Establishing Rabbit and Fox Habitats

Beyond horse taming and questing, creating habitats for rabbits and foxes adds another layer of gameplay depth. These habitats not only provide companionship but also serve practical purposes in resource acquisition and progression.

To establish rabbit and fox habitats:

  1. Capture Rabbits: Utilize rabbit traps to capture both male and female rabbits.
  2. Construct Rabbit Pens: Set up designated areas for your rabbits to thrive, ensuring proper food and habitat comfort.
  3. Feed and Nurture: Provide adequate food, such as rabbit hay, and monitor their well-being to encourage breeding and growth.

Similarly, you can apply the same principles to fox habitats, utilizing fox fodder and suitable enclosures to foster their development.


In the ever-expansive world of Myth of Empires, mastering horse taming, quest completion, and habitat establishment are crucial steps toward becoming a formidable adventurer. By following these guidelines, you’ll navigate the challenges and triumphs that await in this immersive realm.

So, embark on your journey, tame majestic steeds, conquer quests, and nurture thriving habitats. The adventure awaits, a brave soul. For more of the latest Myth of Empires content here. If and buy MoE Copper Coins through our website, you will get more discounts.