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Last Epoch Farming Guide: Maximizing Shrines, Chests, and Experimental Items

Welcome, adventurers, to a guide that will revolutionize your farming experience in Last Epoch. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the most efficient method to farm shrines, chests, and experimental items, ensuring that you optimize your time and resources in the game. Join me, as we uncover the secrets of farming in the necropolis streets, utilizing a strategy that promises bountiful rewards.

Unlocking the Potential of Necropolis Streets:

The key to our farming strategy lies within the Necropolis Streets map, which can be found across various timelines such as Spirits of Fire and Fall of the Outcast. Aim for a high corruption level to enhance item rarity and quality. By stacking modifiers that boost item rarity without increasing monster difficulty, you set the stage for Last Epoch gold lucrative farming runs.

Juicing Up the Map:

To maximize your gains, it’s crucial to “juice up” the Necropolis Streets map with various corruption modifiers. These modifiers, combined with high corruption levels, significantly increase the likelihood of encountering valuable loot. Whether it’s increasing item rarity, adding bonus loot drops, or enhancing item quality, every modifier contributes to a more fruitful farming session.

Executing the Strategy:

Once you’ve prepared the map with the desired corruption modifiers, it’s time to execute the farming strategy. Enter the Necropolis Streets map and focus on locating the two entrances, each of which spawns two shrine spots. Utilize a simple trick by positioning the map’s entrance over the start button, enabling quick and seamless entry into the map.

Exploring the Shrine Spawns:

The uniqueness of the Necropolis Streets map lies in its consistent shrine spawns, offering players a chance to encounter various valuable rewards. Shrines can yield random buffs, chests containing precious loot, or experimental items that push the boundaries of itemization. By exploring the shrine spawns, players can uncover a treasure trove of rewards with each farming run.

Optimizing Efficiency:

To optimize efficiency, prioritize checking the shrine spawns upon entering the map. By quickly assessing the potential rewards, players can decide whether to continue exploring or reset the map for another run. Keep an eye out for chests and experimental items, which often indicate valuable loot worth obtaining.

Streamlining the Process:

Streamlining the farming process is essential for maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime. Utilize shortcuts such as right-clicking to enter the map or positioning the map’s entrance over the start button for seamless entry. Additionally, don’t fret over deaths, as they have no consequence in this farming strategy.

Adapting to Variability:

While the Necropolis Streets map offers consistent shrine spawns, the rewards may vary with each run. Some runs may yield multiple chests and experimental items, while others offer fewer rewards. Adaptability is key to success, as players must adjust their expectations based on the outcomes of each farming run.


In conclusion, mastering the art of farming in Last Epoch requires strategic planning, efficient execution, and adaptability. By harnessing the potential of the Necropolis Streets map and optimizing corruption modifiers, players can embark on farming runs that yield an abundance of shrines, chests, and experimental items.

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